replace faces using roop

What is Roop?

Roop is an Ai software to replace faces in your images or videos with another face. Here are the links of the original software in github and installation guide for Stable Diffusion webui.

How to change faces with Roop in Stable Diffusion Webui?

1. If you don’t have Stable Diffusion webui installed, go to install stable diffusion webui on Windows.
2. Go to visual studio download page. Select community and click Free download. Run the installer. Select three elements to install: Python development, desktop c++, and visual studio extension development.
3. Open dos command, run $pip install insightface==0.7.3
4. Open Stable Diffusion webui, click Extension tab and click Load From. Search for roop and click install.
5. If you see “401: Unauthorized” error, download inswapper_128.onnx from Google drive. Copy inswapper_128.onnx  to ./models/roop/.
6. Restart Stable Diffusion Webui. In img2img, load a picture with a face. Decrease denoising strength to 0.1.
7. Expand Roop v0.02 underneath, load an image with another face. Check “Enable”.
8. Enter prompt, change Batch count to 4. Click Generate button.

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